chemo;;7foLd. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.

avenged 7foLd :; Tonight The World Dies

Lost the meaning of our stay
Learn to live another day
Doubt the choices that we've made
I know that we can't hide our shame
It's only in disguise

Drowning in our own debris
Fool of thoughts as through we're free
Close our eyes so we can see
The death of all we need to be
If only in my eyes

I don't mind (Make the writing on the wall)
My life grinds (Tortured voices as we crawl)
Find me on my better days
To lose it once again
In a way

So try to wonder why you can
And take the time to understand
As long as I can touch your face
You know I'll never leave this place
If only in my mind

I don't mind (Make the writing on the wall)
My all of crimes (Tortured voices as we crawl)
Find me on my better days
To lose it once again
But I seem to find out better ways
To consciously pretend

Silence all I want to say
And it seems to run away
I'll run away
With you tonight
launder all my sins away
And just like that mistakes are made
You know
Tonight the world dies

I don't mind
(Make the writing on the wall)
My all crimes
(Tortured voices as we crawl)
Find me on my better days
To lose it once again
But I seem to find out better ways
To consciously pretend

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Semakin lama saya hidup, semakin saya sadar
Akan pengaruh sikap dalam kehidupan
Sikap lebih penting daripada ilmu,
daripada uang, daripada kesempatan,
daripada kegagalan, daripada keberhasilan,
daripada apapun yang mungkin dikatakan
atau dilakukan seseorang.
Sikap lebih penting
daripada penampilan, karunia, atau keahlian.
Hal yang paling menakjubkan adalah
Kita memiliki pilihan untuk menghasilkan
sikap yang kita miliki pada hari itu.
Kita tidak dapat mengubah masa lalu
Kita tidak dapat mengubah [...]


Seorang musisi harus
menciptakan musik, seorang
seniman harus melukis,
seorang penyair harus
menulis, jika ia ingin merasa
damai dengan dirinya sendiri.
Apa yang seseorang bisa
lakukan, harus ia lakukan.

—Abraham Maslow